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The Laboratory

The Laboratory of Residue Analysis (LAB RES), associated with LADETEC / IQ – UFRJ since 1989, is one of the seven Brazilian laboratories accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture, Cattle Raising and Supply (MAPA), in the area of residues and contaminants, for the analysis of veterinary drugs in food residues of animal origin and food producing animals.
For this purpose, LADETEC / IQ – UFRJ relies upon advanced analytical instrumentation, which comprehends 10 GC-MS, 2 GC-ITDMS(n) , 3 HPLC-MS(n) and 1 GC-HRMS,besides highly qualified human resources among professors, researchers, postgraduated PhD's, graduation and postgraduation students, technicians, trainees and scientific initiation students, making up over 90 professionals in the group.

License: Government Health Department of Rio de Janeiro
Regional Council of Chemistry 3rd region


Site Ladetec v2.0 - Site desenvolvido por: DIEGO PIFFARETTI e TIAGO RIBEIRO
- Laboratório de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico - Todos os direitos reservados