Infrastructure |
LAB RES - LADETEC / IQ – UFRJ relies upon the following infrastructure:
Sample preparation sector, where animal tissue samples are opened and prepared for further analysis. Fume hood
nr.0l is currently being used for screening of anabolic agents in food by GC-MS (screening IV in bovines); hood
nr. 02 is being used for doping control in humans (screening IX) and hood nr. O3 is destined for discard of animal
tissue samples.
Sample preparation sector (lst floor, room 5l2): LAB RES has a fune hood destined for screening of veterinary
drugs in food by HPLC-MS(n).
LAB RES owns the following equipments:
1 HPLC-MS(n) Varian IZOOL triple quadrupole;
1 HPLC-DAD Agilent;
1 benchtop incubator, thermostated and with timer, trademark Nova Tecnica, model
NT7 12;
1 benchtop incubator, thermostated and with timer, trademark Marconi;
1 thermostated centrifuge for 50 mL plastic tubes, trademark Hettich, model Universal 32R;.
1 vortex mixer, trademark Bamstead/Thermolyne, model Maxi Mix-II,
2 ultrasound equipments with timer, trademark Unique, model UltraCleanerl400.